Specifically formulated for comprehensive turf maintenance.


The allsports range now offers ,unique to the turf industry Micro Tech fertilisers and Turf Stabilisers to its already trusted range of Humate based fertilisers and soil condi-tioners. Specifically formulated for comprehensive turf maintenance the Micro Tech range still incorporates the slow releasing and chelating properties of humates howev-er this is now accentuated where during manufacture a more consistent surface area can be treated during the pri-mary coating process enhancing not only the reactability of the key ingredients during production but more important-ly once applied a more highly dissolvable and biologically digestible form of nutrient in a 2mm micro granule.

Most importantly the allsports Micro Tech range offers a chemically clean alternative to existing synthetically derived turf management practices, chelating highly mobile forms of elements and minerals critical for sustained turf vitality and vigour during the growing season hence significantly improving plant durability and resistance to plant pathogens or inherent contaminates introduced during irrigation between applications .

The diversity of the allsports Micro Tech range is personified in its analysis with firstly the in-troduction of a micro stimulant conditioner with an attached 35% Carbon and comprehensive minor element list which when incorpo-rated with sand during greens construction en-courages the formation of plant hormones en-zymes proteins and vitamins critical during and after plant germination encouraging the acceleration of root development due in part to deep penetration nutrient stability, sustained benefi-cial microbial activity and greater moisture re-tention in what is essentially an inert medium that does not break down over time ,has poor water and nutrient holding capacity and is inherently hydrophobic which for decades has generated more questions than resolvable solutions or if so at an exaggerated cost.

During and after turf establishment the allsports Micro Tech range offers a specifically formulated range of fertilisers unique to turf maintenance and the variables encountered, this includes additional soft or less volatile forms of Nitrogen ,proportionate amounts of Phosphorus in bacterially digestible Citrate soluble form ,Potassium as sulphate ,highly dissolvable and naturally derived Calcium and Magnesium carbonates with additional plant essential minor elements incorporated.

The harmonious balance between Carbon with its well documented chelating properties and the highly volatile properties of Nitrogen have been thoughtfully addressed with a minimum 15% Carbon content attached to these fertilisers diversifying their primary application to accommodate soil amending and conditioning even the dissolving of thatch build up.

Recommended Vicmill Fertilisers

Bio Gran Turf Activator

Bio Gran Turf Activator

Complete Organic Fertiliser

Complete Organic Fertiliser

Humaphos 2-1-1 Activator

Humaphos 2-1-1 Activator

Humaphos 5-5-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 5-5-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 6-6-6 (7mm)

Humaphos 6-6-6 (7mm)

Humate 8-2-6

Humate 8-2-6

Micro Tech Micro Stimulant (2mm)

Micro Tech Micro Stimulant (2mm)

Micro Tech Turf Humaphos 6-6-6 (2mm)

Micro Tech Turf Humaphos 6-6-6 (2mm)

Micro Tech Turf Humate 8-2-6

Micro Tech Turf Humate 8-2-6