Micro Tech Micro Stimulant (2mm)

Micro Tech Micro Stimulant (2mm)

These high carbon analysis products are categorised as soil conditioners since Humates have never been regarded as fertilisers, this product group biologically improves the microbial population of the soil and activates the breakdown of organic matter held in the soil aggregate by oxygenating and releasing Humic acid into the soil ,put simply micro-organisms are an essential part of any fertile soil and perform many necessary and useful functions in the nutrition of plants and breaking down or decay of plant residues.

The microbial population feeds upon the organic matter in the soil , as the micro-organisms feed , complex organic materials are broken down into simple substances that can be used by the plant growing in the soil . The balance of minerals in the BIO-GRAN range is compatible with all beneficial soil life and is formulated to increase nutrient, moisture and oxygen holding capacity in the bio mass thus improving the uptake of all major and minor elements in the soil.

Elemental Analysis

Carbon 35.00% Humate 23.80% Ca 15.72% Mg 3.02%
S 2.69% P 2.55% K 2.52% N 1.54%
Zn 0.14% Fe 0.12% Mn 0.10% B 0.06%
Cu 0.05% Co 0.01% Mo 0.01%

Other Humate Turf Fertilisers, Soil Activators and Conditioners

Micro Tech Turf Humaphos 6-6-6 (2mm)

Micro Tech Turf Humaphos 6-6-6 (2mm)

Humate 8-2-6

Humate 8-2-6

Complete Organic Fertiliser

Complete Organic Fertiliser

Bio Gran Micro Stimulant

Bio Gran Micro Stimulant

Humaphos 6-1-1 (Ca) Activator

Humaphos 6-1-1 (Ca) Activator

Bio Gran Turf Activator

Bio Gran Turf Activator

Humaphos 3-3-6

Humaphos 3-3-6

Micro Tech Turf Humate 8-2-6

Micro Tech Turf Humate 8-2-6

Humaphos 6-6-6 (7mm)

Humaphos 6-6-6 (7mm)