When VicMill's Natural Humate fertilisers are applied to the soil, they help balance and unite the soils biological and chemical properties, thus improving the physical structure of the soil.


This is the most agriculturally diverse industry in both nutrient and climatic requirement, yet fundamentally, be it Mango, Banana's or Avocado in northern Australia to Cherries, Apples, Nectarines or Blue berries in the south, the balance between yield and vitality cannot be separated.

Physically "crop yield" finds its origins at Fruit Set, nutrient availability will determine the extent of fruit abortion, which can be directly attributed to the trees receptability to uptake and translocate essential minerals and elements at critical stages in fruit developement, which can only be achieved by addressing soil nutrient deficiencies associated to the tree's vitality requirements.

In established orchards, the absence of essential minor elements such as (Cu) copper, (Zn) zinc (Mn) manganese (B) boron or (Fe) iron can be more critical to vitality and crop yield then (N) nitrogen, (P) phosphorus or (K) potassium, for they distribute, then convert these elements as well as minerals to utilisable forms of plant nutrients for the manufacture of chlorophyll, proteins, hormones and the production of enzymes,vitamins and amino acids.

The catalyst in this process can be the availability or unavailability in the soil of (Mg) magnesium which assists in the manufacture of sugars and starches, but more importantly distributes water throughout the plant, most Australian soil profiles are marginal or deficient in (Mg) magnesium, the exception being highly ( Ph) alkaline soils heavily effected by synthetically soluble forms or naturally derived salts as (Na) sodium which ‘ constipate ‘ the availability of this essential mineral as well as the above mentioned plant growing elements.

Humate Fertilisers have nutrient suspending characteristics allowing micro-organisms found in the Biomass of the soil the ability to convert major and minor elements and minerals to a soil soluble utilisable form which is then distributed into the plant correctly through the root zone.


  • Bananas 500 -800 Kilograms Per Hectare
  • Avocado, Mangos 400 - 750 Kilograms Per Hectare
  • Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit, Mandarins 450 -800 Kilograms Per Hectare
  • Pears, Nectarines, Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Cherries 250 -750 Kilograms Per Hectare
  • Berries 300 -500 Kilograms Per Hectare 

Recommended Vicmill Fertilisers

Humaphos 2-1-1 Activator

Humaphos 2-1-1 Activator

Humaphos 5-1-1 (Mg) Activator

Humaphos 5-1-1 (Mg) Activator

Humaphos 6-3-6

Humaphos 6-3-6

Humaphos 6-4-10

Humaphos 6-4-10

Humaphos 6-6-6

Humaphos 6-6-6

Humaphos 7-1-1 (Ca) Activator

Humaphos 7-1-1 (Ca) Activator

Humaphos 7-1-1 (Mg) Activator

Humaphos 7-1-1 (Mg) Activator

Humaphos 7-1-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 7-1-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 7-1-5 (Mg)

Humaphos 7-1-5 (Mg)

Humate (Ca) N Activator

Humate (Ca) N Activator

Humate (Mg) N Activator

Humate (Mg) N Activator

Humate (NS) Activator

Humate (NS) Activator