Humaphos 5-5-5 (Mg)

Humaphos 5-5-5 (Mg)

Vicmill Natural Fertilisers have specifically formulated its allSPORTS HUMAPHOS TRIPLE 5 Humate fertiliser to ad-dress the complexities of acidity or alkalinity on turf soils and its influences on nutrient availability. The diversity of turf plant species and their nutritional requirement is reflected in the elemental analysis of this Humate fertiliser.

Desirable amounts of N,P,K influenced by the plants susceptibility to soil temperature and atmospheric variations, which as a measure of severity cannot be separated from bio-logical soil health, has been prescribed in sulphate and citrate soluble form for plant species requiring more high analysis elements, their brief primary functions are as follows (N) Nitrogen responsible for vigor, (P) Phosphorus which is essential for root development and transformation of solar energy into chemical energy, (K) Potassium which helps build the cellular structure in plants, encourages the manufacture of plant proteins and aides photosynthesis. The plants ability to resist disease will invariably depend on its immunity to soil bourn contaminates such as (Na) Sodium, synthetically derived salts, (Ai) Aluminium toxicity, organo chlorides, all may inhibit the uptake of essential elements, minerals and minor elements and their primary functions within the plant via the root zone.

allSPORTS HUMAPHOS TRIPLE 5 when applied to the soil releases and makes available the most important minor elements required for plant metabolism in readily available sulphate form, their brief primary functions are as follows (Zn) Zinc regulates the use of water and cellular structure, (Mn) Manganese, which aides in the transportation of oxygen and assists in the formation of chlorophyll, (B) Boron, which is required for (Ca) Calcium and (Mg) Magnesium to perform their metabolic functions including regulating the plants usage of (N) Nitrogen, (P) Phosphorus and other essential elements.

allSPORTS HUMAPHOS TRIPLE 5 is ideally suited for use around sporting grounds, parks and gardens, fairways, tees and greens where maintained vigor is required during the warmer months. With no det-rimental chemical residue allSPORTS HUMAPHOS TRIPLE 5 offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative in turf care, encouraging improved germination, soil moisture retention and greater uniformity in plant vitality during periods of stress in the growing months.

Elemental Analysis

Ca 14.75% Carbon 10.00% S 7.93% Humate 6.80%
P 5.10% N 5.06% K 5.04% Mg 3.08%
Zn 0.25% Mn 0.25% B 0.06%

Suggested Rates of Application

Broad Acre 80 to 200 Kilograms per Hectare
Fruit 400 to 1000 Kilograms per Hectare
Maize 300 to 400 Kilograms per Hectare
Pasture 100 to 250 Kilograms per Hectare
Silage 300 to 400 Kilograms per Hectare
Sugar Cane 400 to 500 Kilograms per Hectare
Vegetables 2000 to 5000 Kilograms per Hectare

Other Mineral Fertilisers

Micro Tech Turf Humaphos 6-6-6 (2mm)

Micro Tech Turf Humaphos 6-6-6 (2mm)

Organic Booster

Organic Booster

Humaphos 5-5-0 (Ca)

Humaphos 5-5-0 (Ca)

Complete Organic Fertiliser

Complete Organic Fertiliser

Bio Super

Bio Super

Humaphos 5-5-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 5-5-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 5-5-0 (Mg)

Humaphos 5-5-0 (Mg)

Humaphos 6-6-0 (Ca)

Humaphos 6-6-0 (Ca)

Humaphos 6-6-0 (Mg)

Humaphos 6-6-0 (Mg)

Humaphos 2-5-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 2-5-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 2-5-5 (Mg)

Humaphos 2-5-5 (Mg)

Humaphos 5-5-1 (Ca)

Humaphos 5-5-1 (Ca)

Humaphos 5-5-1 (Mg)

Humaphos 5-5-1 (Mg)

Humaphos 7-1-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 7-1-5 (Ca)

Humaphos 7-1-5 (Mg)

Humaphos 7-1-5 (Mg)

Humaphos 2-5-2 (Mg)

Humaphos 2-5-2 (Mg)

Humaphos 6-4-10

Humaphos 6-4-10

Humaphos 6-3-6

Humaphos 6-3-6

Humaphos 5-1-10

Humaphos 5-1-10

Humaphos 3-3-10

Humaphos 3-3-10

Humaphos 3-3-6

Humaphos 3-3-6